Ian Plant

Straightening Your Horizon in Photoshop

Ian Plant
Duration:   1  mins


There are times when you can’t get the horizon straight in the landscapes you take with your camera. In this free video, world renowned outdoor photographer Ian Plant takes you into Adobe Lightroom and gives you a quick tip on how to straighten horizons with this amazing software program. You will learn that you can use Lightroom’s Crop Overlay icon and make your adjustments with either the Grid Overlay tool or the Angle tool. Ian demonstrates both methods with an off kilter landscape he captured along Maine’s Olympic coast. Straightening a crooked horizon is fast and easy with Adobe Lightroom.

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Hi, I'm Ian Plant. And today I'm going to show you a quick and easy tip for straightening a crooked horizon using Adobe Lightroom. As you can see from this photo taken on the Olympic Coast, my horizon is pretty crooked. It's a pretty easy fix. What I'm going to do is go into the crop overlay and there are two tools you can use to straighten horizon.

You can either manually adjust the angle, and you can see when you grab the slider, and move it left and right, that you get a grid overlay and you can manually line up the horizon with that grid. The other thing you can do is, you can use the angle tool, and you go in and you simply drag the mouse from one side of the horizon to the other. And you line that up with the horizon, and Lightroom will automatically straighten it for you. So you can see that there's a little bit of cropping occurs when you straighten your horizon. So if you have a really tilted horizon you may lose a fair amount of pixel real estate.

So it's best to make sure that your horizon is straight as much as possible when you're working in the field. I'll just go ahead and click done. And there you have it. Straightening a crooked horizon in Adobe light room is fast and easy.

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