Shooting the Ten Thousand Islands - Course Preview
Doug GardnerDescription
Photographing wild birds in Florida’s Ten Thousand Islands can be wonderfully rewarding. In this tutorial series, outdoor photographer Doug Gardner guides his kayak through the mangroves of the Everglades to photograph these birds as they feed, flock, and fly. He will capture action shots and close-ups of willets, rosy spoonbills, pelicans, avocets, and more. You will learn how to compose portraits and reflections, how to measure light, how to hold focus, and how to set your exposures. Join Doug Gardner in the Everglades this exciting photographic adventure.
See all of the videos in our Shooting the Ten Thousand Islands Course:
- Shooting the Ten Thousand Islands – Course Preview
- Photographing Wildlife in the Mangrove Forest
- Photographing Birds: Capturing Spoonbills and Pelicans
- The Saltwater Estuaries of the Everglades
This week, myself and nature photographer, Jason Hahn, will continue our journey through the Florida Everglades. Be sure to join us as we continue to traverse the brackish water mangroves, and then make our way out to the saltwater estuaries. I'm your host, Doug Gardner, and your wild photo adventure starts now.
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