Rainforest Photography: Tips and Techniques
Doug GardnerDescription
Doug says, “When you first encounter a photo opportunity, go ahead and capture the image, but also walk around to the other side.” Why? Because the other side could make a better photograph. The light angles and compositional elements may be different, sparking your imagination with a new visual idea.
Doug sets up his tripod in front of a stand of huge maple trees. He is looking to capture the texture of the moss, lichen, and bark. He focuses one-third into the frame to hold focus from front to back. He is careful to include a foreground element, in this case, a fern growth below the towering trees. The final composition is a rich assortment of rainforest growth.
Nature photographer, Aaron Baggenstos, Doug’s hiking mate, suggests another rainforest photography idea, shooting in HDR, High Dynamic Range. The best HDR shots work in a composition with a wide range between light and shadow. To cover the total lighting range, Aaron brackets five images, with exposures that are point-seven stops in between each. He recommends manual focus because auto-focus might change the focal point from image to image. In post production, he will combine the five images into a single photograph.
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Rainforest Photography: Tips and Techniques
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