Product Review: Bay Photo Lab Xpozer
Ian PlantDescription
features vivid, sharp photo prints rendered on striking Vivid Satin material with a simple mounting system that is portable and lightweight.
With no frame needed, the lightweight aluminum tension hanging system makes Xpozer easy to assemble and also portable for shipping to clients or friends. Ian demonstrates the easy assembly process. You can also group multiple Xpozer Prints to create dramatic wall art displays, and change them as often as you like with Xchange Prints. Go to bayphoto.com for instructions on how to turn your favorite images into memorable display prints through Xpozer.
Hey everyone. I'm professional nature and travel photographer, Ian plant. And today I'd like to tell you about an exciting new product from Bay Photo, which is my preferred lab of choice when I'm looking to make gorgeous high quality prints of my work for personal use or for my fine art print clients. This new product is called Xpozer and it features vivid sharp photo prints paired with a revolutionary new mounting system. One of the key features of Xpozer is portability and lightweight, making it great for all sorts of applications like traveling exhibits, or if you've gotta store lots of inventory for gallery sales.
Another great feature is the low cost and the flexibility of the Xpozer system. Each Xpozer print is a vivid satin inkjet print but the heart of the Xpozer system is an aluminum hanging system. The hanging system lets you swap prints any time allowing you to rotate your display. This is great for gallery exhibits or for your own home if you'd like to refresh your personal collection on a regular basis, like I do. Bay Photo offers plenty of sizes to choose from ranging from 16 by 16 inch to a really large 40 by 80 inch print, which is so realistic.
I think that that polar bear is stalking me right now. Images are printed on a striking vivid satin material with no frame needed, they float away from the wall for a modern gallery look. The lightweight patented aluminum tension hanging system makes Xpozer highly portable and quick to assemble. Perfect for shipping to clients or loved ones. You can display your Xpozer prints in several ways.
You can easily hang them using the included cleat and screws. Another great display option is to attach a print to your light stand or tripod using Xpozer clamps for a quick and easy way to display your prints anywhere. Transporting Xpozer prints from your car to the show is really easy using their handy boxes. And with just a few minutes of assembly time your work can be ready for display. Setting up your Xpozer prints and getting them ready for display is actually really easy.
You just take the aluminum crossbar and you put it into the sidebars like so and you can see that the sidebars have these little cleats on each of the four corners and they have a mounting on the back of the print. So you just go ahead and put in the cleats into the mounting on one side of the print here and then you simply push the sidebar in on the other side get the cleats lined up and then begin to maximize the tension of the crossbar until everything clicks into place. And you can see there's full tension and the print is perfect and ready to display. Wow, that was easy and this print just looks absolutely great. I really love this new Xpozer product and I think you're gonna like too.
Especially if you're looking to make portable but stunning prints at an affordable cost. I'm Ian Plant and thanks for watching.
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