Steve Niedorf

Architectural Photography Tips: Making Structures Shine - Course Preview

Steve Niedorf
Duration:   1  mins


Photographing architecture is a unique art form. Photos of buildings, whether taken alone or with other objects or people, can be fascinating pieces of visual art. With this form of photography, buildings are the stars, whether interior or exterior shots are used. You may use other elements in the photograph, but the building is always the main player. This course teaches you all about architectural photography, so your photos will be perfectly pleasing to you each time you take them.



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What is architectural photography? Well, the simple answer is post anything with a building, anything that is involved capturing an interaction between a person and a building, furniture in a building, light in a building, design in a building, color in a building, texture in a building, anything that in an enclosed space. So it's really of a big variable, lots of options. It's really a large range of things that you can cover that cover that topic. In this presentation, we're gonna talk about technical issues as well as artistic ones.

The obvious things like lenses and lighting. But we're also gonna talk about the pre-production side of architectural photography very important aspect, scouting. And interestingly enough you always wanna scout interiors as well as exteriors. And we'll show you how to do both, probably most important from a fundamental standpoint, we're gonna be talking about how to correct vertical distortion. It's a very common problem.

It happens all the time. It's sort of controversial and interesting sort of way. And we're gonna delve into that "controversy" as well as how to fix the problem from a number of different standpoints. So why is architectural photography so exciting because you're really making a portrait of a building just like you'd make a portrait of a person, no different, you've got lighting you've got lens selection, you've got color temperature. You've got emotional things that you can add with all those elements.

It's a really interesting and challenging form of photography. And by the end of this presentation hopefully you'll be well on your way to being a good architectural photographer.

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