OM System OM1 and 20mm Lens
David JohnstonDescription
David walks the streets of an urban environment, his own home town. He carries what he calls the perfect camera for travel adventures. It is the OM System OM1 camera paired with the 20mm f1.4 lens. He loves the size and the weight, and can easily fit the camera into his hand. This camera system can create equally good images from either wide or close perspectives. The sensor is a cropped micro four-thirds, which gives you the classic photography look. He calls the small 20mm lens amazing because of its versatility. He even tried it out on some flower arrangements and got some “pretty cool macro shots.” As for the auto focus on the lens, it is super fast. You can tap the flip-out viewing screen, and it will auto focus in a split second. When using the OM System OM1 camera with the 20mm lens, David never mis-focused.
One of the important aspects of travel photography is capturing different perspectives on the subject matter. That means interesting angles, high and low, up close and distant. Angling the LCD screen creates more possibilities, and tapping the screen releases the shutter button. This OMI camera easily captures details in the shadows and highlights right next to each other. David thinks the dynamic range is phenomenal. He shows you many images he captured on his urban walking excursion.
In this sponsored video professional photographer David Johnston demonstrates the effectiveness of using one camera and one lens in travel photography. This camera system is versatile, fast, small and lightweight. In other words, perfect for travel photography.
Hey, what's up guys? Professional outdoor photographer, David Johnson here for outdoor photography, guys. And today I'm talking about travel photography, mainly using one lens and one camera the entire time. So today I'm using the O systems, one paired the system's 20 millimeter 1.4 lens. Now, this lens and this camera combo is perfect for travel photography.
I decided this video to put it to the test in actually my own hometown. So I took a little staycation and I walked around town seeing if I could use this camera just alone to capture great images of my own city where I live in the most familiar places to me in a different way, using this lens to see if it could actually be used if I went to a different city or a different country somewhere that I was completely unfamiliar with. And let's just say I wasn't disappointed when I was using the OM system's 01 paired with their 20 millimeter F 1.4 lens. Now, let's talk about some reasons why I'm so high on this camera when it comes to travel photography. Number one is the size and the weight like this is the entire thing that you can take out with you when you're going out to shoot in a different city.
Imagine only taking this little package on an airplane or packing in a car for a big trip. This camera can really do it all. I was a little bit skeptical about how it would look with the wider looking shots. Also, the shots where I was up close, maybe that telephoto compressed view a little bit. And I was honestly with backing up and moving forward, I could get both looks with this camera and not be disappointed at the results that I was actually capturing, which was astonishing to me packed into such one tiny lens.
You know, for me, 20 millimeters with a camera like this with a crop micro four third sensor. This really gives you like the classic photography look when you are taking photos and that's kind of what I want when I'm going traveling, taking photos around the city in an unfamiliar place or in the outdoors as well. Now let me talk about this lens too. It's pretty crazy how they pack so much goodness into one tiny lens because it can actually be so versatile. I told you how you could get a wide angle shot and also a compressed looking shot with just this lens.
But I even tried this out on some flowers and got some pretty cool macro shots when I was walking around. So this could essentially be used as a macro lens too. If you were in a pitch. Not only that, the auto focus on this 20 millimeter lens was super, super fast. I could easily just tap the back screen if I was in a weird angle holding the camera up, which I'll get to in just a second.
But I could easily just tap the screen and in a split second, it would auto focus to where I was tapping and take a great shot. I never missed focus when I was using this system. Now, for me, I think one of the biggest things with travel photography is actually getting different perspectives on how things look. You know, we're always walking around like this at eye level. What you want to do with travel photography is get different perspectives, high perspectives, low perspectives and get interesting angles on things with this lens and this camera, it's so small and lightweight.
I was easily able to angle it up next to walls and use that wide 1.4 max aperture to get some really cool blurring effects on the edges of the frame and having some interesting photos that way, I was also able to hold this camera up high. And what I love about it is getting those perspectives and taking your travel photography to the next level. I was able to use this screen, this LCD screen to kind of stick out like this and get a really high angle on things. And I mentioned that touch screen with the auto focus. What was great about this is you can easily just tap the screen and the second you tap it will auto focus to that point and take a photo immediately, incredibly fast, like just a boom, took the photo very, very fast auto focus when you're doing it that way.
And instead of like searching for the shutter button up here on the top with my finger, if I'm in a weird angle, if I'm really high up, it helps to just hold that with your hand instead of moving your finger around and just boom, tapping it when you get your composition and getting it just right. I loved that feature about with this camera. This OMC one when I was getting those weird angles with travel photography that you need so much. So we've covered versatility, we've covered how fast this focus is and we've covered the size and weight and how it's perfect for travel photography. If you're going to a new place, I also want to talk about how it handled the highlights and shadows right next to each other.
You know, one of the biggest challenges, especially with something like travel photography is your balance saying the exposure so many times. So you're pairing dark shadows and bright highlights right next to each other so much you want to get those spot on and have enough details in your shadows and in your highlights to pair them together in a really nice photo. If you're anything like me, I get a bit lazy on vacation when I travel and I sleep in today. It's about 10 a.m. and I was going around.
There were a lot of bright highlights and shadows in the photos that I was doing. But the dynamic range on the OM system's one camera paired at this 20 millimeter 1.4 lens was phenomenal. I mean, even better than some of the other cameras that I've used on the market. The dynamic range on this is so good. I was able to pair up harsh shadows and bright highlights side by side using shadows to kind of make my photos even better.
And that's one of the things you need to look for with travel photography is ways to use your shadows and ways to use the sun even in those really difficult times, you know, nature photography, landscape photography, you're out early in the morning, late in the evening. But with travel, you kind of have to be versatile and use those shadows to your advantage so that you get some different angles, cool lines and nice reflection light off of certain objects. I think using something like this one system, I never took this lens off this camera. The system's one with the system's 20 millimeter F 1.4 lens was a great package for travel photography. And you could even use this for landscape photography, nature photography.
I mentioned using it in a pinch for macro photography too. You would not be disappointed in that situation. So definitely check this camera out and even go out into your own locations, your own town, your own cities and try out some travel photography outside of those travels that you're doing to the exotic locations and get out there, have some fun. Can't wait to see what you create next.
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