Winter Gear: What You Need to Know
You need different gear when you take photographs in the winter than you do in other seasons. The environmental conditions and the extreme low temperatures don’t work well with traditional photography equipment. Learn what you need to get good photographs while ensuring your gear remains in tip top photographing condition.
Taking photographs in winter is not like any other season. The ground will be either frozen, covered in snow, or both. In addition, the freezing temperatures can negatively affect some photography gear. In this session, you’ll learn about the right gear you’ll want to bring on a winter photography expedition, and how to protect that gear so you can continue to capture the shots you want.
- Winter Photography Tips: Exposure, Composition, and Details – Course Preview
- Proper Winter Exposure
- Essential Clothing for Winter Photography
- Gear: What You Need to Know
- Tips for Great Animal Portraits
- Shooting Winter Landscape
- Changing Your Perspective
- Composing Compelling Portraits
- Details Tell the Story
- Getting Creative with Fill Flash
- Lighting for Night Photography
- Take Only Photographs, Leave Only Footprints