Layne Kennedy

Everyday Items that Belong in Your Camera Bag

Layne Kennedy
Duration:   5  mins


The old motto “Be Prepared” is as true for photography as it is for other situations in life. You need to bring all the correct gear on your photo shoots, but first you have to know what to bring. This video goes into great detail explaining exactly what you’ll need to pack in your camera bag. Although there is no one-size-fits-all camera bag, there are certain items that most photographers will need to take on typical photo shoots. The video discusses which bag styles are best, as well as camera equipment, accessories, and some unexpected yet essential items that you should bring along to make your journeys as a photographer worlds better.

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3 Responses to “Everyday Items that Belong in Your Camera Bag”

  1. Tom

    In your video on camera bags, you said you carry a " len baby ". What is a "len baby? thank you for your insight and assistance.

  2. Rudy

    Great video with very useful tips. Standard in my bag is also a small towel (year round and I can't live without one) and in the summer bug spray. Then again, I live in South Florida and the Everglades and Big Cypress Preserve are my stomping grounds

  3. Robert Fuller

    Good overview of what's in your camera bag. One area you didn't cover was filters - polarized, graduated or ND filters etc. How about a spare lens cap. Do you carry any of these?

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