Ian Plant

Creating a Sense of Place

Ian Plant
Duration:   1  mins


When you capture your landscape images, you might consider how to tell the story through a sense of place. In this free video, world renowned outdoor photographer Ian Plant takes you to the Dakota Badlands to create photographs unique to this setting. He shows you how the cracked mud gives the Badlands its own sense of place. He makes sure his landscape images always include these cracked mud patterns, whether as visual foreground introductions or tighter shots of the intimate details. Using a wide angle lens, Ian makes his exquisite landscape photographs, all telling the story of the Badlands’ unique geographic sense of place.

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Whenever I'm making landscape photographs I'm looking to create a sense of place. And what I mean by that is I'm looking to tell the story of the landscape. I'm looking for a feature or a set of features about that landscape that makes it unique, that sets it apart from different landscapes. So here in Badlands National Park, for example what has struck me about this landscape as being really unique is all of the crack mud that surrounds me. There's crack mud here at my feet creating all these interesting patterns.

It's cracked mud all around me. There's eroded and cracked mud in the sandstone features behind me. This cracked mud is what makes this place special. It's what makes it extra photogenic. So I'm always looking for an opportunity to include that cracked mud in the photographs I make out here.

Whether it's crack mud in the foreground to help lead the viewer deeper into the scene, or whether I'm zooming in on the intimate details of the landscape and just making a composition of the crack mud alone. I'm looking to include that crack mud in these photographs to create a sense of place.

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