Tips for Photographing and Capturing Wildlife
Doug GardnerDescription
The Grand Teton National Park provides a home for a variety of wild animals. Travel there with outdoor photographer Doug Gardner for tips on capturing wildlife. Early on, he discovers a group of pronghorn antelope and shows you how to use exposure compensation and spot metering to photograph the animals in backlighting. The goal is to raise the shadows in the face but also retain the rim lighting around the antelope’s body.
As he moves through the sagebrush, Doug faces fast-changing weather conditions but still manages to capture pronghorn antelope, coyotes, deer, bighorn sheep, and hawks. Join pro shooter Doug Gardner for his expertise on capturing wildlife in the western high country.
Wildlife in Grand Teton National Park – Course Preview
Photographing Bison in the Wild
Photographing Wild Coyote
Tips for Photographing Moose in their Natural Habitat
Tips for Photographing and Capturing Wildlife